Scarborough Businesses in the News

Developers’ Forum – Thursday, May 23, at 7:45 am

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

On Thursday, May 23, at 7:45 am, SEDCO will host an informational forum for local developers to provide feedback on proposed changes to the site plan ordinance and proposed revisions to impact fees.  

Meeting details:

May 23, 2024

7:45 AM until 9:45 AM

Landry French Office Building

160 Pleasant Hill Road in Scarborough

The meeting is in-person, but will be broadcast on Zoom and will allow zoom participants to participate in the meeting. The meeting link is at the end of this email and will be sent again in a follow-up email.

The Town’s Planning Director and Engineer will walk us through the proposed changes and answer questions.  SEDCO will compile attendee comments to present to the Council as part of the public process.

Summary of Environmental Standards

The Town of Scarborough is proposing a new set of standards to be added to Chapter 405B Site Plan Standards, which proposes natural resource setbacks for wetlands, vernal pools, rivers, streams and brooks, coastal marshes and coastal bluffs. The new standards will apply to all new or expanded development requiring site plan or subdivision approval.  A summary of the ordinance along with the full text is attached to this email.  

Summary of Impact Fee Amendments and Additions

Amendments to Chapter 415 – Impact Fee Ordinance will consolidate existing impact fees into one chapter, create a new recreation impact fee, repeal three Payne Road Impact fees and establish two new roadway impact fees with an effective date of July 1, 2024.  The proposed ordinance is attached and contains the proposed new fees.This item is scheduled for a public hearing on May 15, with action on June 5. Developer comments will be provided directly to the council as part of the public record.

Register in advance for this webinar: