2024 SEDCO Annual Business Meeting
This year, the Board of Directors will be hosting both an Annual Business Meeting and a Celebration of Business.
The Board chose to move the date of the Celebration of Business event to late October (10/28/24). This move was done in consultation with the Black Point Inn, in order to ease the parking crunch. We will be the last event of the season, and the restaurant will be closed for the season at this time, allowing for more onsite parking.
Our by-laws specify that an annual meeting should take place in early October, so the Board will host the business meeting on September 19, 2024 at 9:00AM on the 3rd floor of the Willowdale Place Office Building at 360 US Route 1. Participants may join by zoom or watch via YouTube.
During the business meeting, we will present our annual report, post our meetings for the year and discuss priorities for the coming year. This report will also be presented at the Celebration of Business on October 28 at The Black Point Inn.
For questions, please contact Karen Martin, SEDCO Executive Director at 207-883-4893 or [email protected]

38th Annual Meeting – October 3, 2023
Each year, the Board of Directors of the Scarborough Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO) select a slate of businesses to honor at their Annual Meeting. This year, the Annual Meeting took place on Tuesday, October 3 from 5:30 to 7:30 at the Black Point Inn.
The Board was pleased to announce that for 2023, they honored the following businesses:
Dump Guy
Pat’s Pizza
Small Steps School of Dance
Piper Shores
37th Annual Meeting – October 4, 2022
Please join SEDCO’s Board of Directors for the 2022 Annual Meeting and help us celebrate Scarborough’s dynamic business community.
This year, we are back at the Black Point Inn for our meeting. We will present a slate of outstanding businesses, an engaging keynote speaker and a summary of what’s happening in Scarborough.

This year’s keynote speaker will be Dana Fortier, Director - Global Facilities Planning & Implementation for IDEXX. We are so excited to hear from Dana about the Bioscience industry and the company’s plans for their new facility in Scarborough.
The Annual Meeting will be our chance to see each other in person. We can share our experiences of the past year and our vision of the future.

The Annual Meeting is made possible by the support of community sponsors.
Roxane Cole Commercial Real Estate
Town & Country Federal Credit Union
36th Annual Meeting – October 12, 2021
The Scarborough Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO) held its Annual Meeting, in person, at the Greenhouse at Highland Farm on October 12, 2021.
The event featured networking, presentations on the Scarborough Community and Project of the Year announcements.
The in-person event was moved from the traditional location at the Black Point Inn, to the Greenhouse at Highland Farm, which provided an outdoor venue. In August, the SEDCO Board made the change to an outdoor venue to address concerns regarding COVID. Board Chair, Andrea Killiard, thanked both the Black Point Inn and The Green House at Highland Farm for working with the Board on the move.
“We could not have made the transition without the flexibility and cooperation of the two venues,” said Killiard. “I also want to thank the sponsors that made the event possible including Hannaford, The Downs, Piper Shores, Risbara Brothers. Biddeford Savings, Androscoggin Bank, Katahdin Trust Company, Enterprise Business Park, Infinity Credit Union, Gawron Turgeon Architects, NCS Civil Engineers, Roxane Cole Commercial Real Estate, Nonesuch River Brewing, Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution, The Dunham Group and University Credit Union.

35th Annual Meeting – December 1, 2020
34th Annual Meeting – October 1, 2019
34th Annual Meeting – Keynote Speaker
Please join SEDCO’s Board of Directors for the 2019 Annual Meeting and help us celebrate Scarborough’s dynamic business community. As our keynote speaker, we are honored to feature Jeffrey Sanders, President of Maine Medical Center.
Jeffrey Sanders was named President of Maine Medical Center in 2018. Leading up to his appointment as President, Sanders had responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the hospital as the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, including the Scarborough campus. As President, he plays a critical role in collaborating with physicians, developing relationships and initiatives aimed at strengthening market presence and integrating services and practice sites.
The 2019 Annual Meeting of the SEDCO Board of Directors will take place at the Black Point Inn on Tuesday, October1, 2019 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.
The Annual Meeting is made possible by the support of community sponsors. Sponsors to date include: Hannaford, Bangor Savings Bank, Biddeford Savings Bank, Blais Civil Engineers, cPort Credit Union, Enterprise Business Park, Fluid Imaging Technologies, Gawron Turgeon Architects, Gorham Savings Bank, Katahdin Trust Company, Martin’s Point Health Care, People’s United Bank, Piper Shores, Roxane Cole Commercial Real Estate, The Holy Donut, Nonesuch River Brewing, Oak Hill Beverage, Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution.
Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
33rd Annual Meeting – October 2, 2018
33rd Annual Meeting – Keynote Speaker

Please join SEDCO’s Board of Directors for the 2018 Annual Meeting and help us celebrate Scarborough’s dynamic business community. As our keynote speaker, we are honored to feature Travis Cummings, Executive Vice President of Dexter Enterprises, Inc., a wealth management firm owned by the Alfond family. As part of his responsibilities, Cummings manages grant due diligence and program development for the Harold Alfond Foundation in the areas of education, health care, and youth development.
He was named Vice President of Dexter Enterprises, Inc. in 2013, assuming additional responsibilities in the administration of the Dexter Investment Program, a fourteen-company investment platform. Since 2015, Cummings has served as Executive Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the company, working closely with and on behalf of the President and CEO to lead a team of ten employees in the strategic management of the Alfond family’s investments, philanthropy, and business affairs. The team designs and administers the Harold Alfond Foundation’s charitable projects in Maine and other states with a model of philanthropy pioneered by Harold Alfond, which emphasizes entrepreneurial solutions, creativity, community engagement, and partnership.
Cummings is a native of Millinocket, Maine. He now lives with his wife Jessie and sons Bryce (7) and Chase (5) in Scarborough, Maine, where he volunteers as a youth flag football coach.
Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
32nd Annual Meeting
32nd Annual Meeting – Keynote Speaker
Please join SEDCO’s Board of Directors for the 2017 Annual Meeting and help us celebrate Scarborough’s dynamic business community. We are honored to feature Peter Twachtman, Chief Operating Officer of The Migis Hotel Group, as our keynote speaker.
Peter Twachtman joined the Migis Hotel Group in early 2009, bringing 20 years of hospitality and management experience to the leadership team. He has been instrumental in setting policy and practice at the corporate and property levels for The Migis Hotel Group. He attended The University of Southern Maine, completing a BS in Business Administration and later The University of Massachusetts, Amherst where he earned a MS in Hotel and Restaurant Management.
The Migis Hotel Group has done a masterful renovation of the Higgins Beach Inn this year. They also continue to manage the Black Point Inn in a way that pays tribute to the Inn’s history and tradition. Both of these properties play an integral role in Scarborough’s history and economy. – Kevin Freeman, SEDCO Chair
Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
31st Annual Meeting
31st Annual Meeting – Keynote Speaker
For our 31st keynote speaker, we were honored to feature Michael Vail, President of Hannaford. Michael Vail became president of Hannaford in 2015. He is responsible for all operations, including strategic direction, financial performance, product assortment, pricing, customer service and marketing. He also serves on the Delhaize America Leadership Team.
Hannaford is the town’s largest employer and the state’s largest private employer. The company is a leader in a rapidly changing global environment for food production. Michael will help us understand how Hannaford thrives in the global marketplace, while still keeping it local.
To read more about our 31st Annual Meeting please click here
30th Annual Meeting
30th Annual Meeting – Keynote Speaker

For our 30th anniversary keynote speaker, we were honored to feature Dr. Danielle Ripich, President of the University of New England (UNE). As the largest educator of health care professionals in the state, UNE is a critical economic resource to the State, to the region and to Scarborough. Health care represents more than 18% of Scarborough’s economic base. Our employers are depending on UNE as a source for their highly skilled professional workforce.
To read more about our 30th Annual Meeting please click here
29th Annual Meeting
29th Annual Meeting – Keynote Speaker

Mark H.C. Bessire – Director of the Portland Museum of Art
To read more about our 29th Annual Meeting please click here